Police Handle Violations Of Election Crimes Almost All Political Parties

The National Police said that almost all political parties (political parties) were involved in criminal acts or violations in the 2024 General Election (Pemilu). It was recorded that there were 322 reports and findings of violations.

"From cases handled by the police, on average there are violations or election crimes committed by almost all parties. So this is evenly distributed, everything is there," said Head of the Gakkumdu Polri Task Force as well as Director of General Crimes at Bareskrim Polri Brigadier General Djuhandhani Rahardjo Puro to reporters in Bawaslu, Tuesday, February 27.

Of the hundreds of reports and findings, 149 of them are in the process of being studied. Then, 108 alleged violations were terminated and 65 cases were forwarded to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police and the Regional Police.

"As for the current 65 cases, 16 cases are still in the process of being investigated, 12 cases have been terminated or at SP3. Then these 37 cases are in stage two and some have been sentenced and signed," he said.

The number of alleged violations of the 2024 General Election, said Djuhandhani, is far less than in 2019. This is because there are 849 cases originating from reports and findings.

Of the hundreds of alleged violations, 367 cases were forwarded to the Police and 483 cases were terminated.

"We illustrate that at this time the handling of cases handled by Bawaslu or the police until the investigation process is quite drastically reduced," he said.

Based on the results of the analysis, the number of election violations in 2024 is far less caused by several factors. One of them is due to his shorter campaign period.

"That this case is decreasing, of course, it cannot be separated from all community support. Where we optimize the prevention of violations. The audience and election participants are aware of the law and one of them is a relatively short campaign time," said Djuhandhani.