Police Open Shots, Two Myanmar Protesters Killed

JAKARTA - Myanmar police shot dead two protesters on Sunday and several others wounded as they cracked down on anti-military coup protesters.

Police opened fire in Dawei City, killing one and injuring several, politician Kyaw Min Htike told Reuters from the southern city. Media outlet Dawei Watch also said at least one person was killed and more than a dozen injured.

Police also shot in Yangon City and a man who was taken to hospital with a bullet wound to the chest has died, said a doctor at the hospital who asked not to be named. The Mizzima media outlet also reported the death.

Police and spokesmen for Myanmar's ruling military council did not respond to phone calls asking for clarification.

Myanmar has been in turmoil for a month since the army seized power and detained elected government leader Aung San Suu Kyi and much of her party leadership, accusing her of rigging in a November election her party won totally.

The Myanmar coup, which halted progress towards democracy after nearly 50 years of military rule, has brought hundreds of thousands of protesters onto the streets and drawn criticism from Western countries, with some imposing limited sanctions.

In Yangon, several wounded protesters were evacuated away from the scene of clashes between Myanmar military-assisted police and protesters. It was unclear how they were injured, but the media reported direct fire. Witnesses said the police also threw stun grenades, used tear gas and fired into the air

Myanmar police were out early Sunday, taking up positions at the main protest site in Yangon as protesters, many wearing protective gear, began to gather. Witnesses said the police moved quickly to disperse the crowd.

"The police got out of their car and started throwing stun grenades without warning. Several teachers were injured while running," said Hayman May Hninsi, who was with a group of fellow teachers in Yangon participating in the demonstration.

Youth activist Esther Ze Naw said civilians were struggling to overcome the long-lasting fear.

“This fear will only grow if we continue to live it and the people who create fear know about it. Obviously, they are trying to instill fear in us by making us run and hide. We cannot accept that," she stressed.