Police Examine Additional Witnesses In Cases Of Alleged Binus Serpong Bullying
TANGERANG - Police are examining a new witness in the alleged bullying case at Binus International Serpong High School, South Tangerang. The goal is to determine the legal status of the reported cases.
Based on the data received by the new witness, there were 5 students from Binus Serpong High School, South Tangerang.
"There are additional witnesses being examined, the point is that they are involved in the case," said Head of Public Relations of the South Tangerang Police, AKP Wendy in a short message, Tuesday, February 27.
Wendy also said that previously the BUS BSD Serpong school had also been investigated by the investigative team. However, he was reluctant to convey the results of the examination.
"Yesterday it was the school. As a result, the investigator's domain," he said.
The next plan, like Wendy, is that her party will examine expert witnesses to determine their attitude in the case of bullying at the International school.
"It will be scheduled (expert witnesses)," he said.
It is known that the police have conducted examinations twice on a number of witnesses with a total of 11 people, of whom are the alleged child of the perpetrator.
The victim's family through their attorney, Rizki said that his client refused to be resolved amicably. He asked for this case to be resolved in court.
"Yes (the trial) only by being sentenced to a crime is justice as well as possible," said Rizki.
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Meanwhile, Inspector General of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Chatarina Muliana, hopes that this case can be resolved amicably. So that there is no longer a sense of revenge between the two parties.
"You could say a family settlement," Chatarina told reporters at Binus BSD Serpong, South Tangerang, Monday, February 26.