Dozens Of Houses In Bojongmangu Bekasi Ambles Due To Land Movement

Dozens of residences and rented houses in Legok Cariu Village RT 12 RW 06, Sukamukti Village, Bojongmangu District, Bekasi Regency, West Java experienced a subsidence due to land movement events.

One of the owners of the Miki Andri building (49) explained that the incident where the land movement had actually begun to be felt since one month ago. Residents are also worried that the building they live in will collapse due to the impact of ground movement.

"Initially it didn't reach 10 centimeters, now there is one meter. It's every time the rain subsides gradually and it's been almost a month. Those who have contracted have moved because they are worried that the building is tilted and the walls are cracked," he said at the location as reported by ANTARA, Monday, 26 February.

Residents suspect that the movement of the land was caused by the absence of a retaining embankment at the location of the road access to the Jakarta-Cikampek II Toll Road in the GIIC Industrial Estate not far from the back yard of residents' houses.

"Before there was a project, none of the buildings were damaged. Since there was a project because there was no stake underneath, every time there was heavy rain there was a change, little by little the soil began to subside," he said.

Another building owner, Sulistiowati (40), admitted that she was worried that the damage to the house would get worse so that it could potentially collapse at any time while she was reluctant to evacuate because she did not have a place to live or other land.

"Every time it rains, I'm worried, I'm worried because I have a small child, I'm afraid of why, I'm afraid of collapsing too, but what else to do. Because I don't have a house or other land to live in," he said.

He hopes that the relevant parties will intervene to resolve the issue. "We want clarity, responsibility from the relevant parties to find solutions and make improvements," he said.

Meanwhile, the head of RT 12 RW 06 Isam Anton admitted that until now he is still coordinating with the local village government apparatus while continuing to record and monitor the development of the condition of the residents affected by the ground movement.

"The number of landslides (ambles) has temporarily been around 12 houses but for those whose rented houses have not been recorded in total, the number is quite a lot," he said. (KR-PRA).