Riza Patria Follows Party Orders On DKI Regional Head Elections
JAKARTA - The chairman of the DKI Jakarta Gerindra Party DPD, Ahmad Riza Patria, responded to the 2024 DKI Jakarta Pilkada exchange. Regarding whether to run or not in the DKI gubernatorial election, Riza stated that he was following the party's orders.
"I am a Gerindra Party cadre, yes, since the party was founded, I have studied with the leaders of Pak Prabowo, Pak Dasco, Pak Muzani, Pak Hasyim and others. We cadres are educated to obey, to obey, to be disciplined, so follow the party's decision," said Riza Patria in Jakarta, Monday, February 26.
Riza said he was ready if the General Chairperson of Gerindra, Prabowo Subianto, instructed him to run in the upcoming DKI gubernatorial election. This includes supporting the candidate Prabowo chose to fight in the capital contestation.
"Whatever will be the party's decision, whoever will be promoted by the Gerindra Party, of course we are not only me, all, the management and cadres will fully support," said the former Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta.
Riza was reluctant to comment on who Prabowo would appoint to run for the DKI Regional Election. Because, he said, Gerindra cadres are still focused on guarding the vote count after voting for the presidential and legislative elections.
"In the internal Gerindra Party, we are still continuing and want to focus on completing the recapitulation of the presidential election results until it is finished and also the legislative election until it is finished. We will respond to this good and wise democratic process," said Riza.
"So let's submit it later regarding the regional elections to the party that will decide. So, we all, including I will fully support what is the party's decision. We will leave everything to the party later whoever is appointed, yes," he continued.