Dillan Zamaita And Mentari Novel Bring Nuansa 50s In The Song Titled Nona

JAKARTA - Dillan Zamaita launched her latest single this year entitled Nona. Different from the four previously released songs, this time Mentari Novel was invited to become a collaborator.

Not only that, Miss is also the first song to use Indonesian. This is a new marker for the musical identity of Dillan Zamaita.

Previously, Dillan took inspiration from British music in the 1990s, in the song Nona, the 25-year-old singer took inspiration from rock n roll music that developed in the United States in the 1950s.

The structure of the song Miss is simple, with a repeative pattern. The lyrics are also made easy to stick to the listeners' ears more quickly.

Miss tells about men's interest in having fun at a party with her opposite sex. Then he asked the woman to dance.

In writing the lyrics, Dillan admits that there are difficulties, especially when processing the right fragments in each catalyst. However, these difficulties became a lesson for him.

"Because I want the message to be easier to understand, in the future I am determined to get used to using Indonesian," said Dillan Zamaita in her statement, Monday, February 26.

Meanwhile, the presence of Mentari Novel as a collaborator makes this duet even sweeter.

Apart from being good friends, Mentari Novel is considered to have the right sound character for this song, thus completing the musical arrangements produced directly by Dillan Zamaita.

For information, the song Miss sung by Dillan Zamaita and Mentari Novel can already be heard on various digital music platforms.