BNPB Ensures Repair Assistance For Damaged Houses Due To Tornadoes In Rancaekek

BANDUNG - The National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) has confirmed that houses in Bandung and Sumedang Regencies, West Java damaged by the tornado will be repaired by the government.

"So that later houses that are damaged by meeting the criteria for minor, moderate and severe damage will support each other, so that later on, improvements can be carried out," said Deputy for Emergency Management of BNPB Major General TNI Fajar Setyawan in Bandung Regency, Friday, February 23.

According to him, the assistance provided for houses that suffered minor damage was Rp. 15 million, moderately damaged Rp. 30 million, and heavily damaged Rp. 60 million.

"It is possible that residents will not be relocated, because there is no land or land that is affected. Because this can still be used," he said.

Fajar said that his party had instructed the West Java Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) to verify data to help repair damaged houses.

"The rest are for damage to houses and infrastructure, it will take time for an assessment which will later be processed for the election to be lightly, moderately and severely damaged," he said.

His party will give residents the freedom to rebuild their homes with a nominal set according to the level of damage.

"Whether it was built by yourself or built by the government by appointing a third party, it could also be done, as is done in Cianjur and Bogor City. It takes time and process," said Fajar.

According to him, BNPB will communicate with the local government to share roles in handling damaged house repair assistance.

Based on preliminary data obtained from BPBD West Java, the tornado that occurred on Wednesday (21/2) has resulted in as many as 611 houses being damaged with 835 families consisting of 1,968 affected people.

Meanwhile, the Head of the West Java BPBD Emergency and Logistics Division, Bambang Imanudin, targets his party to be able to verify the damage to houses affected by the tornado within the next week.

"For the results of the verification, it is targeted that in the next week we can get valid data, because we also need the data for assistance," he said.

Bambang said that currently his party is focusing on distributing various logistical assistance, especially tarpaulins for residents' houses whose roofs were destroyed by a tornado.

"Because the crucial assistance at the time of the tornado must be the tarpaulin to cover the roof. We have provided assistance to Sumedang Regency and Bandung Regency," he said.