Mass Demonstration In Front Of KPU, Voice Rejection Of Presidential Election Calculation

JAKARTA - The masses on behalf of the Civil Society Movement to Save Democracy held a demonstration in front of the KPU building, Jakarta.

"We with full awareness and confidence reject the results of the ongoing presidential election vote and vote count," said Afandi, Coordinator of SC of the Indonesian Democratic Rescue Movement, Afandi Ismail, Friday, February 23.

The implementation of the 2024 presidential election, continued Afandi, deviates from the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations and political ethics. But there is no mention of the legal provisions in question.

It was also highlighted about the social assistance that was distributed ahead of the voting. Demonstrators consider the abuse of power to occur.

"It was carried out by President Jokowi and several ministers to direct voters to candidate pair 02, is a form of real abuse of power or corruption, the president's real alignment and his staff to support the party and or candidate pair 02," said Afandi.