The Subscription To Playing Horror Film, Taskya Namya Turns Out To Be Afraid Of Being Alone

JAKARTA - Artist Taskya Namya has been seen several times as a member of a horror film project. Even so, Taskya admitted that she was actually a coward woman.
Although he is a coward, this 30-year-old woman has a hobby of watching video content like Sara Wijayanto's which contains mystical stories from true stories.
"I'm really a coward but I really like horror, that's why I watch Sara Wijayanto like that. What might be a true story, a true story and I've been watching it since I was little with my father when I was in a room, what happened, I always watch it," said Taskya Namya in Kuningan, South Jakarta, Thursday, February 22.
Therefore, the owner of the real name Taskya Giantri Namya said that he could not be left alone. But it turns out that this fear is actually used as a way for Taskya to explore the stories and characters played.
"Accompanies, I never wanted to be alone like there was a moment when I could do it myself. But for example, if there was an event I went to the bathroom, I had to be accompanied, because I was that good," explained Taskya.
"So sometimes I have advantages in horror films, sometimes when it's rather than reading I like to share like I imagined this from here to here," he added.