Saudi Allows Umrah With Tourist Visa, HNW Asks Government Not To Ban Independent Umrah

JAKARTA - Member of the House of Representatives Commission VIII Hidayat Nur Wahid or who is familiarly called HNW asked the government not to prohibit citizens from doing Umrah independently, following the issuance of a new policy from the Saudi government that allows the implementation of Umrah using tourist visas.

He also suggested that the rules prohibiting self-sufficiency or backpackers, as stated in Law Number 8 of 2019, be revised immediately.

HNW said that the improvement in the rules regarding the implementation of the Umrah pilgrimage was in line with the agenda of Commission VIII of the DPR which had included a revision into the DPR Prolegnas.

"In general, the Saudi Hajj and Umrah policy is increasingly wide open for the arrival of pilgrims, so the Indonesian government should be anticipatory by preparing regulations that also make it easier for pilgrims," Hidayat said as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, February 22.

So far, according to him, the government and the DPR are also designing a revision of the Hajj and Umrah Law to facilitate the flexibility of organizing the hajj, where this flexibility can also be given to the implementation of Umrah.

He explained that in Law Number 8 of 2019, in Article 86 paragraphs (1) and (2), the implementation of Umrah worship trips was carried out by Umrah Travel Organizers (PPIU), namely travel bureaus registered and licensed at the Ministry of Religion.

However, with the Saudi tourist visa policy, according to him, residents who want Umrah can now access directly by simply ordering plane tickets and registering themselves in the Nusuk Application provided and socialized by the Government of Saudi Arabia.

So according to him, it is now very easy for the citizens of the world, including Indonesia, to carry out Umrah. He said that Umrahbackpackers have been enjoyed by Umrah pilgrims from all over the world.

According to him, this has also been expressed by various prospective Umrah pilgrims and some Umrah travel bureaus, when he carried out recess activities.

"Of course, the new provisions also require the responsibility of those who carry out Umrah worship independently, as well as the state must still be present to protect all citizens of the nation in the event of a problem," he said.

He considered that if Umrah was independent, it would not have a negative impact on the registration of Umrah departures through the travel bureau. The reason is, he said each travel bureau already has its own congregational niche with various service features.

"With the longer queues for Hajj, Umrah or commonly considered as small Hajj, the solution is to treat the longing of Indonesian pilgrims to go to the Holy Land," he said.