Real Count KPU Meanwhile, The Kaaba Party Passed To The DPR, PPP Guarded The Counting Of Votes

JAKARTA - Chairman of the DPP United Development Party (PPP) Achmad Baidowi or Awiek said that his party was guarding the vote count for the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) from below. Currently, based on the real count of the Umun Election Commission (KPU) temporarily, it shows that PPP has passed the parliamentary threshold.

"So we focus on guarding the votes below. Based on our internal data, the quick count data of a number of survey institutions, and also the real count Sirekap data at the KPU, PPP passed," Awiek told reporters, Thursday, February 22.

All cadres from the party bearing the Kaaba logo will be involved in overseeing the vote count process. It is hoped that the results will be fair for all parties involved in the 2024 Pemuli contestation.

This calculation process was carried out because the calculation of the Election Recapitulation Information System (Sirekap) occurred in a brawl. Where, there is a shrinking or inflating of votes in several polling stations (TPS).

"Indeed, yesterday we became victims of the chaos of the syrekap because many voices shrank. But okay, that and the KPU argued that there were technical problems. We will focus on how PPP can pass the parliamentary threshold," said Awiek.

Meanwhile, PPP received 2,825,348 votes or 4.05 percent at the national level. The percentage is based on the calculation results of the General Elections Commission (KPU) with incoming data reaching 61.54 percent.

It is known that it has passed the parliamentary threshold of 4 percent. This is stated in Article 414 Paragraph (1) of Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning Elections.