Bali Provincial Government Ensures 3 Kg Elpiji Is Only Rare At The Level Of Non-Corruption

DENPASAR - Bali Provincial Government ensures the scarcity of three kilograms of LPG only occurs at the retail level, not the base.

The Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Bali Province, Dewa Made Indra, emphasized that this was in response to public complaints regarding the scarcity of 3 kg LPG gas.

"For 3 kg LPG, what is actually rare is rare in some retailers, if the base and agent are available. Actually, the rules for the game that we have prepared are 3 kg LPG from agent to base," said Dewa Made Indra as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, February 22.

According to him, with the condition of the rare subsidized gas in retailers, people can switch to buying directly at the base, at a price of IDR 18,000 according to HET and in the end it is right on target because it is recorded.

"Now the number of official bases selling 3 kg LPG is more than 4 thousand and it is spread throughout Bali. So if people come to the base, they will definitely get it," said Dewa Indra.

The Bali Provincial Government said this condition did not mean that retailers could no longer sell melon gas to the public, but the limit was when retailers bought at the base which was tightened because the stock of each region had been determined by the government.

This year, the Bali Provincial Government is rationed at 215,448 metric tons of subsidized LPG, according to the Dewa Indra Regional Secretary from its coordination with related parties, this figure is sufficient, including for the series of holidays from the end of February to early March 2024.

"For this holiday series, we have coordinated and I have assigned the Head of the Energy and Mineral Resources Agency to coordinate with Hiswana Migas and Pertamina and it has been given a guarantee that for this series of holidays the availability of 3 kg LPG will be sufficient," he said.

In addition to discussing the scarcity of subsidized gas, previously the Bali Provincial Government had also held a coordination meeting with the regional inflation control team (TPID) to discuss the evaluation and stock of foodstuffs.

These efforts were made considering entering a series of holidays such as Galungan, Kuningan, Nyepi, and entering the month of Ramadan.

"We have evaluated the stocks or supplies of commodities that will increase demand on holidays. We have had a meeting with Bulog, BPS, and others," he said.