Buy MSME Products In Maros, South Sulawesi, Jokowi Reminds To Pay Attention To Packaging Products

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo invites micro, small, medium enterprises (MSMEs), especially in the food sector, to start packing their products well. These efforts make it easy to compete in local and export markets.

This was said by the head of state when reviewing a number of packaging of local MSME products Maros in South Sulawesi (Sulsel), which he bought during a meeting of Mekaar's Madani National Capital Customer (PNM), Thursday, February 22.

Our products, we start talking about good packaging like this. Start. It must be started, "said President Jokowi, confiscated by Antara.

The head of state said he was happy with a number of products in Maros, South Sulawesi, which had been packaged very well.

He gave an example of garlic chips with the Jirah brand. What I'm happy about is not the chips, but the packaging, packaging. there's branding here. This is very good," said Jokowi.

According to him, if products in South Sulawesi can be given good packaging and brands, then the product will be easy to sell.

"Gampang is sold to supermarkets, easy to sell to hypermarkets, easy to sell to stalls," he explained.

He also reviewed the chiphouse products with the Mama Muda brand, which according to him, also had very good packaging, as well as the Lontara branded onions sauce that had been successfully exported to Brunei Darussalam and Malaysia.

"I don't ask how much (export) it is, but in terms of quality it has been received abroad, meaning this item must have good quality," said the President.

The President also reminded the importance of making packaging that makes it easier for consumers, such as packaging sarabba stamps in bottled bottles he bought in South Sulawesi, which he said was very easy to store in the refrigerator.

On that occasion, Jokowi also expressed his joy because PNM Mekaar customers have now soared, from as many as 400,000 customers in 2015 to 15.2 million current customers.

He advised PNM Mekaar customers to be disciplined and on time in paying installments.