Characteristics Of Children Confident Who Must Know Parents

YOGYAKARTA - The characteristic of children being confident is clearly evident from the habits they have done. As is known, self-confidence is an important element that will help children through their growth and development and shape their personality.

Children with high self-confidence appear to be more prominent than friends of their age. They have unique skills that can help them excel in all fields. Children who have self-confidence are also easier to enjoy social life.

1. Don't give up

Children with high confidence will not give up easily. He will continue to strive until he gets the results he wants, although there may be a time lag taken.

Your Little One also learns to see failure as an opportunity to learn and develop, not as an unavoidable defeat. With this thought, they can bounce back after experiencing failure or difficulty, and do not give up easily.

Meanwhile, children with low self-confidence will be easier to give up. Moreover, it was only for a moment after trying to carry out a game or doing a task, he would give up because he felt frustrated with himself.

2. Not afraid of failure

This is in line with a growing mindset mindset in which children can learn to realize that by trying and learning from mistakes, they can continue to grow and achieve success in the future.

Our children also learn to see failure as an opportunity to learn and develop, not as an unavoidable defeat. With this thought, they can bounce back after experiencing failure or difficulty, and not giving up easily.

In contrast, children who are not confident tend to stay away from challenges and new things because they are worried about failing. Meanwhile, maybe he has great potential there, you know!

3. Dare to Try New Things

One characteristic of a confident child can be seen from his character who dares to try new things. For adults, trying new things may be something quite scary. So, if your little one dares to try new things, it can be ascertained that he already has good self-confidence.

He already has positive thoughts on himself so that your little one knows that there is always the first in life and it is natural that in the first experiment he was not successful.

4. Accept Criticism Wisely

Likewise when receiving criticism and input from other people. He will not feel offended but will make criticism and input as considerations for himself.

The opposite is that children who are not confident will often have negative opinions about themselves, including vilifying themselves, 'I certainly can't', 'I'm really naughty', 'I'm ugly', or other words.

Children who are less confident are generally more easily stressed and feel pessimistic about everything, so they are sensitive to other people's opinions towards themselves.

5. Have a Clear Goal

Every child certainly has the will to achieve something. If your child shows great will, desire, and courage to achieve his goal, this can show that he has great self-confidence.

For example, when your little one is playing with blocks, he already knows that his desire to build a beam tower as high as his face. Until, the child will believe and try to build piles after pile of blocks so that they don't fall or collapse.

6. Can Receive Praise Well

A confident child will look at himself positively. Therefore, he is more able to receive praise and criticism from others well. When praised he will not feel awkward because he feels that he is a valuable and loved child.

For example, when someone praises him, "Wow, how great can you make this beam tower! "Most likely he will respond with thanks or big smiles.

Unlike children who are less confident. When praised, usually they will look down ashamed or deep in their hearts and do not believe that praise is sincere.

7. Easy To Get Rid Of

Usually, children feel awkward when faced with foreign situations or social areas according to them. However, if your child seems brave and easily starts a conversation or interaction when meeting new friends, you could say that your little one has good self-confidence.

Confidence makes your little one feel comfortable and safe to make friends with other people, especially those he just met. He is not worried that his friendship invitations will be rejected by others.

Children with good confidence will also be willing to participate and enjoy various types of activities and hobbies. In contrast, children who are not confident will worry about trying new things, not daring to face conflicts, and feel they do not have certain advantages or expertise.

They tend to easily give up on a difficult task or game. Children also don't dare to try challenging sports activities for children their age. This situation will result in them looking coward.

You also need to read: 5 Reasons Why Confidence Is Important so that we can maintain our mental state so that we stay healthy.

So after knowing the characteristics of children who are confident, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!