Tamara Tyasmara Submits Photo Evidence, Grandma Dante: The Suspect's Law Is As Hard As Possible

Tamara Tyasmara is back at Polda Metro Jaya with her attorney, Sandy Arifin and her mother, Ristya Aryuni. This time Tamara's mother was asked for additional information regarding the case of her grandson's death, Dante.

Sandy explained that the examination, which lasted for approximately 4 hours, Ristya Aryuni, was questioned by 11 questions by investigators.

"Today's examination Tamara's mother related to additional information that was submitted 2 days ago. So maybe there were approximately 11 questions that have been answered by mother," said Sandy Arifin at Polda Metro Jaya, Wednesday, February 21.

Furthermore, Sandy said that there was additional evidence given to investigators. The evidence is in the form of photos, unfortunately he is not prohibited from opening what photos were submitted.

"The evidence may be more about taking photos. Just additional evidence," said Sandy.

"If that's the case, we can't convey it. What is certain is that there is additional evidence of photos and some information, a little 1 to 2 questions for Tamara," he continued.

Seeing this, Ristya Ahyuni as the grandmother of Dante hopes that the perpetrators can be punished fairly and to the fullest.

"Yes, I focus on Dante, I ask for the fairest, I ask the suspect to be punished as severely as possible," concluded Ristya Aryuni.