Mark Zuckerberg, Plans To Visit South Korea, What Are You Looking For?

JAKARTA - Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg plans to visit South Korea and schedule a key meeting during his trip. This was said by a Meta spokesperson in a statement on Wednesday, February 21, without providing further details.

It is estimated that Zuckerberg will meet with Samsung Electronics Chairman, Jay Y. Lee, as soon as possible this month to discuss supplying artificial intelligence (AI) chips and other artificial intelligence-generative issues, as reported by South Korean newspaper Seoul Economic Daily, earlier Wednesday, citing unnamed sources familiar with the matter.

The Meta CEO may also meet with South Korean President, Yoon Suk Yeol, as the newspaper mentioned. This will be his first known visit to South Korea since 2013.

A presidential official confirmed that Zuckerberg had been looking for a meeting with Yoon, without providing further details. Samsung declined to comment.

Previously it was also reported that Zuckerberg was looking to make an artificial intelligence (AI) chip that could be used for major language development on Meta. Samsung is expected to be one of the potential suppliers.