How To Check Train Booking Code: Simple Banget, Here's How

YOGYAKARTA - How to check train booking codes is not difficult. However, new users may not know how to do it yet. In the following Business News post will contain an explanation of the steps you can see.

Reporting from several sources, the train booking code is a code that contains information about passenger information such as name, identity number, train name, departure time, and others.

The booking code can be obtained by prospective train passengers after carrying out orders and payments. To identify the method of booking the train you have, you can easily implement it through your cellphone or computer feature.

Dilansir dari laman resmi Contact Center KAI, cara cek kode booking kereta api dapat dicoba lewat web resmi KAI Access di

How To Reschedule Train Tickets Online

Here's how to reschedule train tickets onine through the KAI Access application:

In addition, read also: 'Recognizing What It Is KAI's Waiting Room System' which is the latest system to make it easier to book cret tickets.

So after knowing how to check KAI ticket booking codes, see other interesting news on VOI.ID, it's time to revolutionize news!