Police Will Immediately Reveal Perpetrators Of Bullying Cases Suspected Of Involving Vincent Rompies' Son

Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of South Tangerang Police, AKP Alvino Cahyadi revealed that the police had examined witnesses in a bullying case that allegedly involved Vincent Rompies' eldest son.

"For witnesses examined from the victim and his family," said Alvino Cahyadi at the South Tangerang Metro Police, Tuesday, February 20.

Previously, Alvino had said that the police had conducted a case title on this case. This is done to raise the status of the case from an investigation to an investigation.

"Today's plan is to conduct a case title to increase the status of the investigation to an investigation," he continued.

Seeing this, Alvino revealed that investigators will immediately inform the figure of the perpetrator suspected of being involved in this case. He added that there was more than one perpetrator.

"(The perpetrator) will soon be informed. (The perpetrator) is suspected to be more than one person," said Alvino.