It Turns Out That This Is The Reason The KPU Temporarily Stops Calculation Of The 2024 Election At The District Level

YOGYAKARTA Chairman of the General Election Commission (KPU) Hasyim Asy'ari revealed the reason why the KPU temporarily suspended the vote count for the 2024 General Election at the sub-district level.

Hasyim said the termination was related to data conversion in the Recapitulation System (Sirekap).

"Regarding the sub-district level situation, the recapitulation was then temporarily suspended in order to ensure this first (Sirekap)," said Hasyim at a press conference at the KPU office, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Monday, February 19, 2024, quoted by VOI.

The following is the full explanation of the KPU regarding the temporary suspension of vote counting for the 2024 General Election at the sub-district level.

The reason the KPU temporarily suspended the vote count for the 2024 General Election was to synchronize data in the field with simultaneous data.

Hasyim said that the termination of the vote recapitulation was only carried out in areas that had an inconsistency with the C1 form of the polling station (TPS) with data conversion in Sirekap.

"For those who are not in sync, we don't broadcast this first, so then what is meant by being temporarily suspended. It doesn't stop completely, doesn't it," explained Hasyim.

Meanwhile, at TPS-TPS, which does not have problems in accordance with data with Sirekap, the recapitulation will continue at the sub-district level.

In the recapitulation of votes in the sub-district, the sub-district electoral committee (PPK) reopened the ballot box from the polling station and issued a C form. results to adjust the vote acquisition data.

"Form C, the results will be read out by the PPK in an open recapitulation meeting resulting from the sub-district level vote count, while broadcast it, which is Sirekap web," said Hasyim.

"Well, if the shows with the results are not appropriate, and then confuse people to avoid problems in the field, especially at the sub-district level," continued Hasyim.

Hasyim emphasized that the data used in the recapitulation of votes is a C form. the result of each TPS. Meanwhile, Sirekap is only limited to a tool for transparency of the vote count process.

"What is used as a reference for recapitulation at the sub-district level is the C form produced by KPPS and TPS which of course hard copies stored in ballot boxes, issued, and then read out in the plenary meeting of the recapitulation of vote count results at the sub-district level," said Hasyim.

In line with Hasyim, RI KPU member Idham Holik also said that the temporary suspension of vote count recapitulation was for data synchronization.

Idham said the synchronization was carried out to fulfill public information rights. Therefore, the KPU continues to provide accurate information regarding the publication of vote acquisition for 2024 election participants in every polling station (TPS).

"We are focusing on synchronizing data, the appearance on the election website," said Idham in Jakarta, quoted from Antara.

Idham stated that the recapitulation of vote count was still ongoing despite being temporarily suspended. This is evidenced by the completion of the recapitulation process by 33 District Election Committees (PPK).

"There are 33 PPKs that have completed the recapitulation process," said Idham.

Meanwhile, RI KPU member Bettu Epsilon Idroos said there were still 1,223 polling stations whose data on the C model form from the vote count did not match the information on the Sirekap application.

"For the presidential and vice presidential elections based on data today, February 19, 2023, on the sixth day at 08.52 WIB, there were still 1,223 of the 800 thousand polling stations that experienced data errors. After the reading system, there was inappropriate data," Betty said on Monday night, according to Antara.

Betty said, the error in entering the data occurred because the photo of the C model form data hadi vote counting sent by the voting group (KPPS) officer to the Sirekap application could not be read by the system. So there is a difference in the number between the C form data from the vote count and the one stored in the Sirekap application.

This is information about the reason why the KPU temporarily suspended the vote count for the 2024 General Election. Get other selected news updates only on VOI.ID.