Kemenparekraf Appreciates Presidential Decree Number 19 Of 2024 For National Game Industry Development

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy/The Tourism and Creative Economy Agency appreciates Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 19 of 2024 concerning the Acceleration of National Game Industry Development.

According to the Adyatama of Tourism and Creative Economy, the Main Expert of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, Nia Niscaya, the Presidential Decree, which was set on February 12 by President Joko Widodo, illustrates the government's efforts to strengthen the ecosystem and game industry in the country.

"The purpose of this presidential regulation is to optimize the game business ecosystem, because this needs clear regulations. Moreover, the potential of Indonesia's creative economy, especially games, is quite strong," Nia said in her official broadcast, quoted by VOI Tuesday, February 20.

Nia hopes that the presence of this Presidential Regulation can accelerate game developers, be able to compete globally, and increase the number of players in the local game industry.

Given data from Statista in 2023, it is projected that the game market in Indonesia will reap revenue of up to 1,117 million US dollars or around Rp. 17.49 trillion.

Meanwhile, Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf Regulatory Director Robinson Sinaga added that there were eight main points discussed in this presidential regulation.

These points include developing research, developing education, funding and financing facilities, providing infrastructure, developing marketing systems, providing incentives, facilitating intellectual property, and protecting the outcome of creativity.

Robinson also revealed that his party had coordinated with the Ministry of Communication and Information to prepare derivative regulations for this Presidential Decree.