Nikita Willy Experienced Miscarriage At The Age Of Kandung 7 Sunday

JAKARTA - Unpleasant news came from the couple Nikita Willy and Indra Priawan who told about Nikita's miscarriage through video uploads on their personal Instagram account.

In the upload, Nikita Willy said that one month ago she had just had a miscarriage when her gestational age was only 7 weeks old.

"Last month, we just experienced a tremendous loss from our future baby at the age of 7 weeks pregnant," reads the article in the video quoted by VOI, Monday, February 19.

In the first week of her pregnancy, Nikita Willy celebrated this moment with happiness with her husband, Indra Priawan while imagining her future baby in the womb.

"At the beginning of the week (pregnancy) was filled with anticipation and love, and I appreciate every time I imagine life growing up in me and our family growing up."

The message from the obstetrician who said that miscarriage is a process for the body to get rid of abnormalities in pregnancy is also a guideline for her life.

"And I remember my doctor saying miscarriage is the way your body gets rid of pregnancy disorders that won't last for a long time," said Nikita.

"So that then your body can return to contain healthier children," he explained.

He also believes that his second baby candidate also wants to be born in a healthy condition so that he can live a healthy life.

"I believe my baby's soul wants to be present in a healthy condition so that my son can enjoy a beautiful life with us," he concluded.