Situbondo Bawaslu Finds Logistics Of Postponed Elections In Citizens' Houses

SITUBONDO- The General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of Situbondo Regency, East Java, found astonishing findings related to logistics for the 2024 General Election. Logistics, which should have been stored at the village hall office, was found stored in the house of a resident in Wingin Anom Village, Jatibaranteng District.

The Coordinator of the Situbondo Regency Logistics Distribution Supervision Team, Sainur Rasyid, revealed that the election logistics that should have been in the Patemon Village Office was actually stored in a resident's house. According to him, this violates the rules and raises concerns about the possibility of unwanted things happening.

"The election logistics that should be at the Patemon Village Office are the result of our supervision today," said Sainur in Situbondo, Monday night.

Bawaslu has advised the General Election Commission (KPU) Situbondo to immediately move the logistics stored in the residents' houses to public places, namely village halls, or return them to the local sub-district office.

In addition to these findings, the results of Bawaslu's supervision also revealed some logistical incompleteness in several locations. Among them, in Taman Kursi Village, Sumbermalang District, a attendance list was found that did not exist at all for polling stations 1 to polling stations 7. In addition, in Sumbermalang District there are also other villages that lack ID cards for polling organizers (KPPS).

Other findings include ballot boxes that broke down due to the accident of a logistics transport vehicle in Banyuputih District. "There were also findings in Banyuputih District, ballot boxes containing various types of broken logistics (holes) due to a vehicle that crashed into a ballot box for the district DPRD," he said.

Ketua KPU Kabupaten Situbondo, Marwoto, belum dapat memberikan konfirmasi terkait temuan logistik pemilu yang disimpan di rumah warga tersebut. Hal ini menunjukkan pentingnya pengawasan ketat dalam pendistributan logistik pemilu untuk memastikan proses pemilu berjalan dengan baik dan adi