Pedro Lascurain, President's History With A Position Period Of Only 45 Minutes

JAKARTA History records Pedro Lascurain is the president with the shortest term in the world. After being elected 38th Mexican President on 19 February 1913, Lascurain was brought down from his throne 45 minutes later.

Born to a wealthy family in Mexico City on May 8, 1856, Basque-blooded Lascurain completed his education as a Bachelor of Law. His political career began at the local level, as Mayor of Mexico City in 1910.

Lascurain was twice appointed Secretary of State, under the administration of President Francisco Ignacio Madero in 1911-1913. As Foreign Minister, Lascurain is known to have close ties with the United States through his relationship with Henry Lane Wilson, the US Ambassador to Mexico at the time.

In the early XX century, Mexican politics was marked by upheaval through a military coup. The president of Madero was exposed to the sap when he was coup by the Commander of the Mexican Federal Army, General Jose Victoriano Huerta on February 19, 1913. From there Lascurain's work was recorded in history.

There is an assumption that Lascurain is an American doll, and has a role to play in the fall of the Madero. It was because the coup carried out by General Huerta against the President of the Madero, received support from Germany and America.

For 10 days, Huerta's leadership soldiers repressed the Madero supporters. Unable to continue to be stuck, Madero finally resigned.

constitutionally, the presidency should have fallen to his deputy, but at that time Madero did not have a representative because Vice President Jose Mario Pino Suarez was also handed down. The next order is the Attorney General. But again the Mexican Attorney General, Alberto Vales Read, has also been dumped by the Huerta Coup.

There is no other choice but for Lascurain as Minister of Foreign Affairs who was later confirmed as President of Mexico. After being confirmed, Lascurain immediately appointed Huerta as Minister of Home Affairs.

The story doesn't stop there. The figure who won the presidency was actually Huerta. In order for the coup to appear legal, Lascurain then immediately resigned and handed over his presidency to Huerta. Be the 39th President, and Lascurain is listed as president with the shortest term in the world.

The intriguing political drama in Mexico then became an investigative material, and a historical lesson that is remembered all time. Lascurain is a rich, highly educated, but poor political experience. That's why he has no teeth, being a politician without principles that is very easy to get around with.

Lascurain is only known in world history as President of Mexico with a term of only 45 days, nothing more. He left no legacy in his political career. No one can see his real work as mayor or Foreign Minister," Mexican historian Graziera Altamirano told BBC Mundo.

"He should be able to take advantage of his strategic position as Foreign Minister, who is close to the United States. Unfortunately he is in contact with Wilson, the US Ambassador to Mexico, the worst ever in office," said Altamirano.

Lascurain is seen as playing a role in bringing down Mexican democracy into the hands of a repressive government. Madero was the first democratically elected Mexican President, after the country was in the grip of a repressive government of the military regime led by General Porfirio Diaz for 30 years!

Madero is trying to make Mexico more independent, and it has not been liked by its much bigger neighbor, the United States. Through Ambassador Wilson, America continues to intervene in Mexican politics in order to protect the interests of their businesses that are already comfortable under General Diaz's regime.

Lascurain's role is actually highly expected to be diplomatic, so Mexico is not too intervened. But Lascurain was unable to do so, and surrendered under pressure from Wilson as US Ambassador.

Mexico has experienced severe trauma in relations with the United States. In the 19th century, the Sombrero Country lost half its territory as a result of being taken over by its big neighbors in the Mexican-US war.

Without qualified political knowledge, Pedro Lascurain is only used as a puppet to instill American interests in Mexico. Ignorant Lascurain only generates a reputation as president with the shortest term in the world, 45 minutes!