Jokowi's Statement Reports Election Cheating Assessed By PDIP Normatif, Bawaslu Independence Is Doubtful

The Secretary General of the PDI-P (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto said that the independence of the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) was starting to be doubted along with the 2024 General Election (Pemilu) process.The statement was conveyed when responding to President Joko Widodo or Jokowi who asked to report alleged election violations to Bawaslu and the Constitutional Court (MK)."Yes, it is a normative attitude. In practice, we know that when the village head is mobilized, then gets threats, real violations, there is already a process. In the end, many people think they doubt the independence of the election supervisor," said Hasto to reporters, Thursday, February 15.Therefore, at this time, the people are the party that oversees the democratic party process. However, there are other parties who are also involved as supervisors of the 2024 General Election."Right now it is the people who are also supervisors, pro-democracy groups are supervisors," he said.Secretary of the National Winning Team (TPN) Ganjar-Mahfud also reminded that lies made sooner or later will be revealed. So, the people will judge directly."In politics it applies that whether it is political or not, it will be determined later. This is what we must then see together," said Hasto.Previously, it was reported that Jokowi said that if there was evidence of fraud in the 2024 election voting process, the public must immediately report and bring the evidence to the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) and the Constitutional Court (MK)."There is evidence, bring it directly to Bawaslu, there is evidence to bring it directly to the Constitutional Court," said Jokowi after opening the 2024 Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) at JiExpo, Jakarta.He said the mitigation of fraud during the voting process which took place on Wednesday, February 14 in Indonesia had been implemented through the placement of witnesses from political parties, legislative candidates, to presidential and vice presidential candidates at polling stations (TPS).
"There is Bawaslu at the TPS, there are also officers, there are pictures of them open. I think this layered supervision will eliminate fraud," he said.But if there is indeed fraud, said Jokowi, there is a mechanism that has been regulated through the constitution, namely through Bawaslu and the trial mechanism in the Constitutional Court."Everything has been arranged. So, don't scream cheating, report it," concluded Jokowi.