KPU Admits There Is A Problem In Sirekap's Automatic Reading System

JAKARTA - KPU chairman Hasyim Asy'ari admits that a sirekap automatic reader (sound recapitulation information system) has a problem. So that the emergent sirekap data does not match the form in C1."The system in sirekap has a system for conversions that read the form and then the number will automatically appear, there is a problem there," said Hasyim at the KPU office, Jakarta, Thursday, February 15.However, continued Hasyim, if there is an error or difference in the data in the sirekap, the KPU will monitor it."So everything that was conveyed to us through WA or social media uploads basically through a monitored system, which one fits, which one doesn't, which one fits, which one doesn't," explained Hasyim.Hasyim also apologized to the public for the difference in data between the relationship on the KPU website and the uploaded C1 form.Bawaslu chairman Rahmat Bagja on the same occasion added that the determinant was manual recapitulation, not simultaneous."Although we have to state that the sirekap is uncertain, what we ask to hold is manual. manual recapitulation. Not sirekap. Sirekap only provides information that C1 can be seen by all citizens," said Bagja.The recapitulation which is calculated manually has been stated in Law number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections.
"Regarding whether the relationship is then a problem or not, the determinant remains according to law number 7 of 2017 concerning the recapitulation manual, so the relationship between aids, hopefully, the relationship will not become our problem again," said Bagja.