Receive Many Reports Of Alleged Election Fraud, TPN Ganjar-Mahfud Will Take Legal Paths

JAKARTA - Ketum Hanura, Oesman Sapta Odang (OSO) said the Ganjar-Mahfud National Winning Team (TPN) received many reports of alleged fraud in the 2024 General Election. He emphasized that the report would be followed up through legal channels."Oh, there are so many (reports of alleged violations), we can't talk about this later here, it must be discussed through the law," OSO told reporters, Thursday, February 15.According to him, this step will be taken because Indonesia is a state of law. Thus, all problems that occur must be resolved according to the rules.In fact, OSO has no problem if there are parties who 'install agencies' to face the legal process. Because, the public will assess all the processes."The law, because our country is a state of law, if you feel strong in governing the law, go ahead, but the people already know that the law is wrong, the action is wrong, so the people judge, oh this is not the law. Is that right? That's the problem," he said.The legal process in question is to file a lawsuit with the Constitutional Court (MK) regarding the alleged fraud."Obviously, if you look at this (condition) it is certain," said OSO.
Meanwhile, when asked about the parties carrying Ganjar-Mahfud, they would be in opposition if Prabowo-Gibran won one round in the 2024 presidential election, OSO was reluctant to answer. The reason is that the election process has not been completed until the General Elections Commission (KPU) announces the results of the recapitulation of votes."What position, we are talking about what opposition is the opposition? The match people are not finished yet," said Oso.OSO previously also mentioned that many violations occurred at the moment of the 2024 General Election. One form of alleged violation that occurred was the inflating of votes."All polling stations are a maximum of 300 votes, how come there are reports as if the candidate pair gets 800 (or) 700. This is crazy, this is already a crazy election," said OSO.Therefore, TPN Ganjar-Mahfud formed a special team to investigate the truth of the alleged violation.