Reasons For Training Dante's Breathing, Yudha Arfandi Proven Not To Have Swimming Coach Certification

JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya through the Dirkrimum Kombes Pol Wira Satya Triputra revealed the latest facts regarding the perpetrator of the murder of Tamara Tyasmara's son, Yudha Arfandi alias YA in a press conference on Monday, February 12.

Previously, it was known, YA said the reason he buried RA's head in the water was because he wanted to train breathing.

"Based on the results of the investigator's examination of the suspect, it is reasonable to train breathing by diving, the language at the BAP is like that," said Wira Satya at Polda Metro Jaya, Monday, February 12.

However, Wira Satya emphasized that YA does not have certification as to train Dante (RA) to swim.

"Regarding the qualifications of the suspect, we emphasize that based on the results of the examination of the suspect, YA does not have the qualifications or certification to train people to swim or dive," he explained.

Wira further explained that to get a swimming certification a person must have special abilities to special tools when teaching others.

"Because to have certification, you must have special capabilities with special equipment. Meanwhile, the suspect YA did not do it," continued Wira.

Until now, investigators are still investigating the motives they have so that they can kill RA.

"I, from the investigative team, are still continuing to explore (motives), we are also still waiting for the results of the report. So we don't move on our own," he concluded.