Using Military Equipment, King Jordan Abdullah II Participates In Mission To Send Aid To Field Hospitals In The Gaza Strip

JAKARTA - King Abdullah II of Jordan participated directly in a humanitarian aid delivery mission for a field hospital in the Gaza Strip, Palestine, by the aircraft airdrop method, according to state media reports on Sunday.

The announcement underscores Jordan's support by providing humanitarian assistance to Gaza amid a war that continues to raging, with King Abdullah II repeatedly calling on Israel to lift restrictions on the flow of aid.

The state's official television footage shows footage of King Abdullah II wearing military clothing and personal protective equipment on a Jordanian air force transport plane, as the plane dropped containers containing supplies to a field hospital in Gaza, managed by the royal military, reported The National News on February 12.

The footage did not provide a date for the humanitarian aid delivery mission, but said the King took part in the operation. According to state media, the last air jump operation was carried out on February 5 and 6, which was carried out in conjunction with the Dutch air force.

Citing Reuters, apart from the Netherlands, Jordan also delivered humanitarian aid by air with the French air force. In total, Jordan has made 11 deliveries of aid by air.

The aid was flown by parachute to Field Hospital 77 north of Gaza, using a pallet equipped with a GPS guide that can direct the package to the landing site.

In addition to the location, Jordan also operates Field 2 Hospital in the south, and has previously supplied it by air.

It is known that every aircraft operating in the Gaza Strip airspace must obtain permission from Israel.

Previously, Putri Salma, the second daughter of King Abdullah II who is also an air force pilot, participated in the delivery of aid by air in December.

Jordan managed to allow Israel to allow the World Food Program (WFP) to send shipments to Gaza by another land route starting from Jordan, helping to reduce pressure on the main Rafah border crossing with limited capacity.

Jordan signed a peace agreement with Israel in 1994. The population of 10 million people of this kingdom consists of most Palestinians.

They were mostly Palestinian descendants who were expelled from their homes when Israel was founded in 1948, and when Israel occupied Palestinian territory after the 1967 Arab-Israeli War.