Kejari Buka Kemungkinan Tersangka Ke-3 Korupsi Simpan Pinjaman APM Lombok Timur

The East Lombok District Attorney (Kejari) is investigating a new suspect in the alleged corruption case in the management of the Community Empowerment Trust (APM) fund which is rolling in the community in the form of savings and loan for women groups.

"We are still investigating this case to find the role of other suspects," said Head of the Special Crimes Section of the East Lombok Kejari Isa Ansyori by telephone, Monday, Fabruari 12, as reported by Antara.

He explained that the investigation of the new suspect refers to evidence that has named two suspects from the APM fund management at the sub-district level.

Regarding the new role in this case leading to regional officials, Isa admitted that he could not confirm yet. Instead, this will be answered from the process of deepening evidence.

"Indications of the role of regional officials? There is no such direction yet. What is clear is that further investigation is still being carried out and it is possible that there are other suspects," he said.

The two suspects who have been named as investigators in this case have the initials K, the Head of the Activity Management Unit (UPK/S Suela District and M, a companion to the women's group.

Investigators named both of them as suspects based on the results of the case on Monday afternoon Faberuari 5 at the East Lombok Kejari Office.

One of the pieces of evidence that strengthens the determination of suspects is related to the results of the audit of state financial losses from the East Lombok Inspectorate. The value of the losses obtained by the auditor reached Rp567 million.

From the explanation from the East Lombok Kejari, the loss arose from the search for savings and borrowing for the 2015 to 2018 period for 23 women in Ketangga Village, Suela District, East Lombok Regency.

The money is indicated to have been used by suspect M for personal gain.

The suspect M's mode of enjoying the savings and loan funds began with the initiative to form 23 women's groups by requesting a copy of the resident's ID card as a condition for the completeness of the application.

However, during the disbursement process, the funds were not directly handed over to the recipients. Instead, suspect K as chairman of UPK handed over the funds to suspect M.

In determining the two as suspects, Isa said that investigators found that there were criminal acts that did not follow management procedures.

By finding these criminal indications, investigators named both of them as suspects by applying the allegations of Article 2 paragraph (1) and/or Article 3 in conjunction with Article 18 of Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption as amended by Law no. 20 of 2001 jo. Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code.