Observer: Dico Ganindito, Role Model Good Governance Regional Head In Central Java
JAKARTA - Public Policy Observer at Pelita Harapan University, Trubus Rahadiansyah assessed that Kendal Regency during the leadership of Regent Dico Ganinduto had met public needs. This is evidenced by a number of policies realized through careful governance planning steps and involving public participation.
"The steps implemented seem to have gone through careful planning and strong public participation. Because there is control, control control from the public as well," Trubus said in his statement on Wednesday, February 7.
So according to him, Dico can become the role model for the good governance of leaders in building other regions.
"What the Kendal Regent has done can be an icon, another regional leader by taking models to make populist policies, but the programs are clearly measurable and the results are concrete," he said.
In addition, Trubus also considered that in building Kendal Regency, Dico's ability as regional head in carrying out good governance had produced quite optimal public services. That way, he said, the supervision and evaluation of a number of development programs went well.
"Usually most development in the area is weak in supervision, because it is more likely to make policies, for example infrastructure development tends only to meet APBD targets," he said.
Furthermore, according to him, related to community empowerment programs, for example dealing with poverty, stunting and so on, is also running because there is a public atmosphere that supports it.
"In the sense that in addition to adequate funding, the public itself is also involved. So there is a kind of inclusion, so the public's involvement is strong so that the inclusion meets the standards that have been set," he added.
He said that in terms of bureaucracy, it was also quite clean, so the corrupt behavior of officials in Kendal Regency was relatively minimal.
"Perhaps the government's internal supervisory apparatus, in this case the inspectorate, runs optimally, meaning that the corrupt behavior carried out by the bureaucracy can be handled quite well, maybe the transparency aspect, the accountability is quite good," he said.
Trubus also compared it with other regions, which usually at the district level always fail to carry out development.
"It shows that the Kendal Regent is able to change the bureaucratic culture and culture of the community to build good governance," he continued.
So according to him, Kendal Regent Dico Ganinduto can be appointed as a role model for other regions. Moreover, he said, in Central Java, most of the governance is bad.
According to Trubus, Kendal Regency can be a mainstay district, although budget constraints are not an obstacle in implementing development programs, including accelerating development.
"For other regions, regional heads often reason that the budget is minimal, now the Kendal Regent has been able to modify the terms in such a way, if the budget limitation is not an obstacle but a challenge and tries to find solutions for funding other funds," he said.