So That Pets Are Healthy And Happy, Here Are Tips For Caring For Them Properly

JAKARTA - Not only humans, pets are also prone to mental health diseases such as depression and anxiety, one of which is dogs. One of the causes of decreased brain health in pets is the lack of mental stimulation.

Boredom and loneliness in dogs can encourage their destructive and aggressive behavior.

"Caring for your favorite animal is not just ensuring his physical well-being; providing mental stimulation to your dog is equally important. There are many ways to improve the mental well-being of our hairy animals," said Dr Umesh Kallahali, Small Animal Consultant, Mars Petcare India, written on the Hindustan Times website.

He provides tips for those who care for pets in order to ensure the happiness and health of their pets.

First, dogs really enjoy playing with toys, especially those that challenge their mentality. Toys such as puzzle feeders and interactive toys are great for keeping your dogs entertained and mentally stimulated.

Make sure to choose toys made of safe ingredients to ensure the health of your dogs and cats. Always keep an eye on your hairy friends while playing to make sure they stay safe and have fun.

Subsequent tips, spending time playing with your pets is a fun and important part to strengthen your ties with them. Games such as hide and seek or hunting for treasure can be fun for your pets, taking them for a walk.

However, don't let the game get too harsh, as this can make dogs accidentally allow them to behave that others may not like in the future. Avoid playing with stones, especially with young dogs, to prevent the risk of broken teeth.

If you decide to travel with pets, make sure to know how to care for them and meet their needs during the trip. Some hotels even pamper pets with special services. To ensure a smooth and pleasant adventure, plan it first and make sure you and your pets are ready for the trip.

Make sure to choose a pet-friendly hotel that also offers other facilities for your dog. Eat packaged pet food to keep the nutrients fulfilled.

In addition, it is important for your dog to socialize with other pets and make friends. Whether at a dog school, in a neighborhood, in a garden, or exploring rural areas, interacting with other people helps your dog become more comfortable being near various animals and people, which also makes pets happier.

The last tip is to involve the dog's mind by teaching them new tricks and doing scarcity training. This not only makes them mentally stimulated but also strengthens the bond between you and your hairy friends.

This is a fun way to challenge them, engage and keep them active.