Listening To The Confession Of Madrasah Teachers, Muhaimin Promises To Fight For The Fate Of Educators
BANYUWANGI - Candidate for vice president number 1 Muhaimin Iskandar listened to the outpouring of hundreds of madrasah teachers at the Ma'arif Education Institute, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) Branch Management, Banyuwangi Regency, East Java.
The aspiration was represented by the Chairman of the United Nahdliyin Teacher Banyuwangi Yusuf Mustofa to Muhaimin.
He said that if Muhaimin was elected as vice president, he hoped to pay attention to the fate of madrasas teachers for all levels of education. This attention is in the form of appointment as a Government Employee with a Work Agreement (PPPK).
He also asked for the increase in madrasa facilities and infrastructure to be real, that madrasa infrastructure is far behind other education.
"I represent fellow teachers, principals of madrasas throughout Banyuwangi Regency, please pay attention to the fate of teachers and infrastructure for the teaching and learning process," he hoped as quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, February 7.
He revealed that madrasa teachers are required to be provided with a digital and computer-based madrasa assessment by the government, but technological and information infrastructure must be sought for themselves.
"This is a fact in madrasa, we look for ourselves, even borrow, and even pay," he said.
Furthermore, the increase in the assistance of the Smart Indonesia Program (PIP). PIP at the current ibtidaiyah madrasah, said Yusuf, is far from sufficient, proposed by madrasas in the region. He gave an example, in one school, students who deserve to get for example 50 people, but only 4 people were given.
Then, the construction of road access infrastructure to madrasa schools. Due to the fact that until now, the community is reluctant, because road access to madrasa is not feasible.
"These are some of the obstacles we experienced, especially madrasa institutions under the auspices of NU," he said.
Meanwhile, Muhaimin Iskandar emphasized that the vent made motivation and enthusiasm to make changes to them.
"The teachers, child educator fighters, who give birth to the next generation must get attention," he said.