Maluku Bawaslu Fires 7 TPS Supervisors For Being A Parpol Cadre

AMBON - The General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of Maluku Province dismissed seven supervisors of polling stations (PTPS) in Southeast Maluku Regency (Malla) because they were political party cadres (parpol).

"From the ranks of the TPS supervisory, in Malra Regency, it was found that seven PTPS people were just appointed on January 22, 2024, it turns out that they are listed in the information system data of political parties (Sipol) having the General Election Commission (KPU)," said the Coordinator of the Organizational Human Resources and Bawaslu Training Division of Maluku Province, Stevin Mellay, in Ambon, reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, February 6.

The seven TPS supervisors are in Manyou District as many as four people and three people in West Kei Besar District, Malra Regency. After it was discovered that the seven PTPS were identified as being registered with Sipol, the Maluku Bawaslu directed the Malra Bawaslu to immediately replace the seven PTPS people.

"And today the head of the sub-district supervisor has made the inauguration of the change just before February 7, 2024. The one who replaced them was the person who registered yesterday but did not pass, and there were also those who were recruited as new," he said.

Previously, the Maluku Province Bawaslu through the District Supervisory Committee (Panwascam) inaugurated 5,662 members of the supervisory of polling stations (TPS) throughout the province.

Pengangkatan dan pelantikan pengawas TPS oleh Panwascam di 11 kabupaten/kota di Maluku, itu dilakukan sebagaimana ketentuan dalam Pasal 132 Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 2017 tentang pemilu.

According to him, after the inauguration of the TPS supervisors, they will follow the briefing to strengthen their capacity in carrying out their duties as the spearhead of Bawaslu at the TPS. "To ensure that the recruitment and inauguration process is carried out properly by Panwascam, the Maluku Province Bawaslu supervises 11 districts/cities," said Stevin.