His Son Likens US President Biden To Alzheimer's Patient, My Minister Right Israel Ben-Gvir Apologizes

JAKARTA - Israel's far-right minister Itamar Ben-Gvir apologized after his son caused a stir, likening the President of the United States to Alzheimer's patients, implying he had a cognitive decline.

Shuvael Ben-Gvir tweeted a photo of President Biden, writing "in these difficult times, it is important to raise awareness of Alzheimer's, a degenerate brain disease that is the most common cause of cognitive and dementia decline."

"Serious illness affecting a person's function and abilities," he wrote, as reported by The Times of Israel on February 6.

Knowing that, Ben-Gvir later apologized for his son's post, writing it was a "serious mistake with a tweet I strongly disagree with."

"The United States is a good friend of ours and President Biden is an Israeli friend. Even if I don't agree with his behavior, there is no room, commitment, for an underestimated style," wrote Ben Gvir.

"I apologize for my son's words," he said.

Minutes later, ben-Gvir's son also apologized, tweeted a picture of President Biden with the phrase 'Mr President, sorry!'

The tweet and an apology came two days after Ben-Gvir criticized President Biden in an interview.

On the occasion, he strongly criticized the way President Biden's Administration handled the war in Gaza, accusing him of benefiting Hamas, arguing Israel would be better off dealing with Donald Trump.

"Instead of giving us full support, (President Joe) Biden is busy providing humanitarian and fuel assistance, which is distributed to Hamas," said Ben Gvir.

"If Trump came to power, the US action would be very different," he said.

That's not the first time Ben Gvir has criticized President Biden and the US. Previously, he declared Israel "not another star in the American flag."