How To Check Battery Health On IPhone And IPad
JAKARTA Devices that are often charged are a bad sign. This can be an indication that your device battery is having problems and may already need to be replaced with a new one.
If this happens to your device and iPad, the first thing you can do is ensure battery health. Apple's built-in feature is very useful for deciding what to do right for your battery.
How to check the Battery Health or Battery Health feature is not difficult. If you are an iPhone user, you only need to open Settings, then scroll the screen until you find the Battery menu and look for the Health and Battery Charging options.
After that, you will see the appearance of your battery's maximum capacity in percentage form. Please note that the maximum capacity must be above 80 percent. Below that number, the iPhone battery must be replaced.
Meanwhile, to check the Battery Health feature on the iPad, you must use Battery Health Checker shortcuts or Battery Health Checkers, according to Makeuseof. Add a shortcut first.
After the Battery Health Check shortcut is added, go to Privacy and Security Settings and taps. Next, go to Analysis and Improvement, then see if the iPhone and Watch Analytics Share options are enabled.
If it is not active yet, you must activate it first and wait for a few days until thealytics are available. After the filealytics appear, tap the latest Analytics and catcapalytics data. Make sure there is analytic information in the file name.
Next, tap the Share button and select the Battery Health Audit shortcut. When shared, the pop-ups that show the maximum battery capacity of your device will be visible in percentage form.
That's the way you can do to check the health of iPad and iPhone batteries. If the battery's maximum capacity is very low, make sure to replace your device's battery with the latest battery.