Jokowi Orders Projo To Withdraw Butet Kertaredjasa Reports, TPN: Aiman And Palti Also

JAKARTA - The Ganjar-Mahfud National Winning Team (TPN) appreciates the steps taken by supporters of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) who asked the complainant to withdraw the report against Butet Kertaredjasa cultural observers in the police.

However, the withdrawal of the report must also be carried out on all critical parties, one of which is Aiman Witjaksono.

"The most important thing is not only reports against Butet being withdrawn. We also ask anyone who submits a report, be it for Aiman, for Palti Hutabarat, or for others, immediately withdraw their report to the police," said TPN Deputy for Law Ganjar-Mahfud, Todung Mulya Lubis, Monday, February 5.

Aiman Witjaksono was reported by six groups to the Polda Metro Jaya. The TPN spokesman is suspected of defaming the 'not neutral police'.

According to Tudong, the police report must be withdrawn because there should be no criminal act against anyone who criticizes. Because criticism is part of freedom of expression.

"Because there should be no criminalization of criticism, against freedom of expression, of freedom of expression. Therefore, it is not impossible to do it in a democratic country," he said.

Not only that, Tudong also asked the police to stop the legal process, which is related to freedom of expression. Thus, it does not injure democracy.

"If the report criminalizes freedom of expression, I think the police have an obligation not to do that, because it should not be done," said Tudong.

Butet Kertaredjasa was reported to the Yogyakarta Regional Police on suspicion of insulting President Jokowi in accordance with Law Number 1 of 1946 concerning the Criminal Code as referred to in Article 315.

Reporting is contained in the Police Report Number: LP/B/114/1/2024/SPKT DIY Police dated January 30, 2024. The report file was signed by Kasiaga II SPKT Polda DIY Kompol Sugiarta.

However, the reporting party decided to withdraw the report. Because, there was a direct request from Jokowi.

Chairman of the DPP Projo Budi Arie said the reason Jokowi asked for the report to be withdrawn was because he did not want a commotion in the community.

"Don't make a lot of noise in the public, I'm the target of Pak Butet's talk, don't complain to the police, really. Moreover, Mr. Butet is a friend of his own," said Budi Arie, repeating President Jokowi's explanation.