Sri Mulyani Holds A Meeting With Megawati, This Is Airlangga's Response

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto also responded to the news of the meeting of the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati with PDIP Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri.

Airlangga believes that Sri Mulyani will not resign from her position as Minister of Finance of the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet even though she has held a meeting with Megawati. The aerospace of the figure of Sri Mulyani is a close friend.

"Kaga ada (mmundur), tapi saya tahu terbocor, tapi saya yakin nggak (mundur), karena bu Sri Mulyani teman saya," ucap Airlangga kepada awak media, Senin 5 Februari.

Previously, Secretary of the Ganjar-Mahfud National Winning Team as well as PDIP Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto said PDIP General Chair Megawati Soekarnoputri often held meetings with Finance Minister Sri Mulyani.

"Meetings are routine. Of course, also talking about the nation and state, talking about fiscal (state revenue) is important," said Hasto to the media crew during the Ganjar - Mahfud Grand Campaign event, at GBK, Saturday, February 3.

However, Hasto explained that the meeting was because Megawati was the Chair of the Steering Committee of the National Innovation Research Agency (BRIN) and Sri Mulyani as the Chair of the Ex-officio Steering Committee.

"Mrs. Mega is in her fifth presidential capacity, she is the head of the board of directors of the national innovation research agency where Mrs. Sri as the Chair of Ex-officio," he explained.

However, Hasto was reluctant to answer when asked whether the meeting discussed the issue of Sri Mulyani's resignation from the Minister of Finance.

Hasto explained that the meeting took place in a closed manner and what is certain is the current condition of the Indonesian nation.

"Well, Mrs. Sri Mulyani and Mrs. Mega, because they often meet in BRIN behind closed doors, I can't say what is being discussed, but for sure, it is in the interests of the people, nation and state," he concluded.