Minister Of Religion Asks His Subordinates To Involve Residents In Religious Programs

JAKARTA - Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas asked his staff to involve the wider community in implementing development programs in the religious field.

This message was conveyed by Yaqut when opening the 2024 Ministry of Religion's National Working Meeting (Rakernas) in Semarang. The National Working Meeting carries the theme "Transformation of the Ministry of Religion towards Indonesia Gold 2045". "The implementation of the 2024 program so that it does not only involve work units. The Ministry of Religion needs to strengthen the involvement of stakeholders," Yaqut said in his statement, Monday, February 5.

According to him, the involvement of the people is important so that the implementation of the program is more effective, useful, and right on target.

He said that the development of the religious sector is not only the duty of the government, but also the community. He gave an example, the aspect of improving the quality of religious and religious education. The Minister of Religion requested that the managers of private Religious Universities (PTK) should also be invited to sit together to formulate strategic steps and programs to advance education. "Consolidation of PTKI, the state and the private sector, is very important to discuss joint efforts to improve the quality of education," he said.

Konsolidasi juga bisa dilakukan Kemenag dengan lembaga-lembaga keagamaan dalam rangka meningkatkan kualitas kerukunan.Pada sisi lain, Menag mengapresiasi adanya kenaikan indeks kerukunan umat beragama dalam tiga tahun terakhir, yaitu 67,46 (2021), 72,39 (2022), dan 76,02 (2023).

There are three dimensions that have been photographed, namely tolerance (74.47), equality (77.61), and cooperation (76.00). "Although it continues to rise, I am sure, improving the quality of harmony will be faster if efforts are made to strengthen community involvement," he said. The National Working Meeting was attended by 290 participants who attended offline in Semarang. In addition, there were 10,024 work units (satker) that participated in the online opening. The participants who attended were the Heads of the Regency/City Kankemenag, Head of the Center/Directorate Center, Head of the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT), Head of Madrasah, and Head of the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA).