Tom Lembong Was Complained To The Criminal Investigation Unit About Allegations Of Hoaxes In Election Articles

JAKARTA - The AMIN National Team Co-Captain, Thomas Trikasih Lembong or Tom Lembong, was complained about the alleged spread of fake news or hoaxes to the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Police. The complaint is related to uploading articles in the Election Law that regulate the rights of the presidential campaign.

"We continue by visiting the National Police Headquarters to make complaints and reports related to the alleged spread of hoax news as stated in Article 27 a of the ITE Law and Article 14, 15 of the 1946 Law regarding the spread of fake news," said Head of Advocates Lisan, Hendarsam Marantoko, quoted on Saturday, February 3.

The main problem in the complaint was when Tom Lembong uploaded an image featuring Article 299 paragraph 1 of the Election Law on his Instagram account, on January 26.

According to Hendarsam, the article is not as long as it is in the Election Law because it is still being applied to at the Constitutional Court or the Constitutional Court. Thus, Tom Lembong is suspected of spreading false news.

Complaints made on Friday, February 2, evening, he continued, were a follow-up to reports that had been submitted to the Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) some time ago.

In addition, Hendarsam also said that the report he made to Bawaslu did not mean that Tom Lembong would be given severe sanctions. However, it is limited to giving lessons to the wider community.

"But we want to provide lessons to all people in Pak Tom Lembong's way, it's actually enough to clarify and just apologize, that he has made something wrong by uploading or uploading fake articles on his social media account," he said.

However, Tom Lembong did not do it. Instead, he left all the problems resolved through the legal process.

"So we think that when Mr. Tom Lembong stated that he submitted this to the legal process, he didn't want it to mean clarifying and doing things," said Hendrasam.

Meanwhile, Article 299 paragraph (1) reads that the President and Vice President have the right to carry out campaigns as long as they are not bound by family ties or just until the third degree, or husband or wife relations even though they have divorced the Candidate Pair, candidates for members of the DPR, DPD, Provincial DPRD, Regency DPRD.