The Case Of Information Dispute Of 10 Political Parties In DKI, KI Completes With Mediation

JAKARTA - The Information Commission (KI) has completed a trial for information disputes over 10 political parties (political parties) in the DKI Jakarta Province.

The respondent in this case is 10 political parties in DKI and as the applicant for the Cross-Community Media Association (PMLK).

"The resolution of the information dispute between PMLK and 10 political parties at the DKI Jakarta Provincial level has been completed, we will complete it according to the target before the 2024 General Election," said KI DKI Jakarta Chairman Harry Ara Hutabarat to reporters in Jakarta, Friday, February 2, as reported by Antara.

Harry said the information dispute between PMLK and 10 political parties was completed with a mediation decision. Most of the respondents are willing to provide public information and make the requested and controlled certificates.

"From the information in the trial to the mediation that these 10 political parties in principle have no objection to providing the information they control, only there is some information that they are not good at so they cannot provide it," he said.

The 10 lists of political parties that are requested in a public information dispute with the PMLK petition, namely the Regional Leadership Council (DPW) of the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) DKI Jakarta and the Regional Leadership Council (DPD) of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP).

DPW of the DKI Jakarta National Democratic Party (Nasdem), DPW of the DKI Jakarta Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI), DPW of the DKI Jakarta United Development Party (PPP) and DPW of the DKI Jakarta National Awakening Party (PKB).

Furthermore, the DPD of the DKI Jakarta Democratic Party, DPW of the DKI Jakarta National Mandate Party (PAN), DPD of the DKI Jakarta Golkar Party (Golkar) and DPD of the DKI Jakarta Gerindra Party.

Regarding the main information requested by the applicant and being the object of the dispute, it includes five things and generally related to party financial reports, namely party decrees containing a list of general programs in 2020 and 2021 and plans to use the party budget in 2020 and 2021.

Then the party budget realization reports for 2020 and 2021, the party balance reports for 2020 and 2021 and the party cash flow reports for 2020 and 2021.

Harry appreciated the 10 political parties present in the information dispute trial process at KI DKI Jakarta Province. This proves their commitment to complying with the Law on Public Information Disclosure (UU KIP).

"We appreciate the presence of 10 political parties in the information dispute trial. We hope that in the future the commitment of political parties as public bodies in complying with the KIP Law can continue to be improved," he said.