Confiscate Cellphones To Aiman Witjaksono's Instagram Account, Polda Metro Affirms Professionals Free From Intervention

Polda Metro Jaya not only confiscated Aiman Witjaksono's cellphone in handling the alleged case of spreading false news 'the police are not neutral'. Investigators helped secure Instagram accounts and emails to be used as evidence.

"Yes, that's right (configuring Instagram accounts and emails) yes. Our investigative material cannot convey," said Director of Special Criminal Investigation at the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak, to reporters, Friday, February 2.

In confiscation of the evidence, it was emphasized that investigators did it professionally and according to the rules. A confiscation permit from the South Jakarta District Court had been pocketed a few days earlier.

"What is clear is that we guarantee that the investigation will be carried out in a professional, transparent, accountable manner, and free from any form of intervention or intimidation," he continued.

On the other hand, Ade also responded to Aiman Witjaksono's move to file a pretrial lawsuit next week. According to him, it is the right of every citizen to face a criminal act.

"Yes, welcome, that is Pak AW's constitutional right, and we investigators are ready to be held accountable," said Ade.

For information, Aiman had complained to the Press Council, Kompolnas, and the Ombudsman. The spokesman for the Ganjar-Mahfud TPN asked for protection after his cellphone was confiscated by Polda Metro Jaya investigators.

Most recently, Aiman complained about investigators from Polda Metro Jaya, including Kombes Ade Safri Simanjuntak as Director of Special Criminal Investigation to Propam Polri.