Google Develops AI-powered Image, Music, And Text Making Tools At Labs

JAKARTA Google announced that it has developed MusicFX and TextFX at Search Labs, Google's experimental program. The company also launched a new tool at Labs.

The tool Google introduces is ImageFX, an image maker with DeepMind'stext-to-image technology. ImageFX can create images from simple text commands to increase the creativity of its users.

Although ImageFX has been released, this website with Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology can only be accessed by a number of countries that support AI Test Kitchen. Unfortunately, Indonesia has not been able to use this tool.

Apart from ImageFX, Google is also developing MusicFX and TextFX which have been launched since last year. Just like ImageFX, MusicFX is still not accessible in Indonesia, but Google has upgraded its website features.

This text-to-music tool with generative AI support has increased in terms of duration. Now, users can make songs 70 seconds long, createloopmusic, usechipeskpresive, and audio that are of higher quality.

Meanwhile, TextFX is experiencing an increase in the experience diuser and navigation system. Google did not explain in more detail the changes they made in TextFX, but this tool is very useful for storywriters and song lyricists.

TextFX can inspire with just one word. Whenever the writers run out of ideas, this generative AI experiment can be used as a solution. Luckily, TextFX can be accessed in Indonesia. Users only need to search for their official website on the Google search engine.