Film Pengandir Jenazah Rilis Trailer Yang Lebih Mencam Dan Sembaram

JAKARTA - Visual Media Studio production house released the final trailer for the horror film Pemandi Jenazah on January 1. The film was directed by box office director Hadrah Daeng Ratu and the script was written by Lele Laila.

The trailer with a duration of less than 2 minutes presents tense and frightening scenes. These scenes depict the story of Lela (Aghniny Haque), the son of Mrs. Siti (Djenar Maesa Ayu) who works as a funeral attendant in her village.

In the trailer, Lela is seen bathing the body. However, the body suddenly moved. Lela also saw strange sightings around the village where she lived, ranging from spirits asking for help, terror in the grave and many more tense events appearing in this trailer.

The director of the film Pengandi Jenazah, Hadrah Daeng Ratu, revealed that he deliberately presented a more creepy atmosphere in the final of this trailer. "There are many stories that not many people know about the corpse coder profession, in this film we can see a lot of terrible events experienced by the corpse riders," said Hadrah.

"Honestly, this is a tense trailer. The story is not just a scare, but in the trailer this time it also provides an overview of the conflict and what themes we raise in this film, what are the challenges of Lela, a corpse rider in dealing with terror-terror that is gripping in her environment," concluded Aghniny Haque.

Apart from Aghniny Haque and Djenar Maesa Ayu, the film, which will hit theaters on February 22, 2024, also stars Ibrahim Risyad, Amara Sophie, Messi Gusti, Riafinola, Ruth Marini, Mian Tiara, Nelly Sukma and Nola B3.