The Palace Denies Ahead Of The Election Of Minister Jokowi Is Starting To Be Uncompact

JAKARTA - Presidential Special Staff Coordinator Ari Dwipayana dismissed the issue that cabinet ministers under the administration of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) were not compact, ahead of the 2024 elections. Political narratives are clearly not in accordance with the real facts,'' said Ari through his short message quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, January 31. According to him, the issue arose from several parties who deliberately spread excessive political narratives and tendents, ranging from uncompact cabinets, uncomfortable working atmospheres, ministers were not involved in the Final Assessing Team (TPA) meeting, ministers were closely examined in the palace, until the discourse of the minister asked to resign. Through a series of story plots, said Ari, perceptions were built as if the ministers were disappointed with President Jokowi's leadership. In fact, if the media friends followed the atmosphere ahead of the plenary cabinet meeting or limited cabinet meetings, ministers were horrified, mutually greeting, or joking with each other. There was no electoral atmosphere in cabinet meetings,'' he said. Ari claimed the ministers who came from diverse political parties backgrounds and were in different presidential election coalitions also communicated with each other familiarly. Silaturahim between ministers remains well established without having to be disturbed the political situation ahead of the election,''' he said. All the ministerial issues are discussed on the same occasion to convey their opinions and ideas. The entrance and exit process of the palace is said to run as usual according to the SOP security within the Palace by Paspampres. Furthermore, he explained that the decision-making process in the cabinet was also carried out by involving the relevant ministers, according to the themes discussed. The cabinet meeting and the TPA meeting were prepared by the Cabinet Secretary Pramono Anung. All policy issues are discussed on the table. All the ministers have the same opportunity to express their opinions and ideas. The President also opened the space for debate before it was decided by the President (Jokowi),', he said.'

The ministerial level coordination meeting, according to Ari, shows that internal consolidation of the government is still running, compact, and solid in accordance with the President's direction. "I hope that the cabinet's work atmosphere, which has been very good, which is carried out for the benefit of the community, nation and state, should not be disturbed by political narratives that are only designed for a moment of interest, let alone only to reduce the level of public trust and satisfaction in President Jokowi's government," he said.