Regarding The Confiscation Of Cellphones In The "Noneutral Police" Case, Aiman Is Advised To Submit Pretrial

JAKARTA - The Indonesian Police Strategic Studies Institute or Lemkapi suggested Aiman Witjaksono to take the pretrial route regarding the confiscation of his cellphone in the handling of cases of alleged spreading false news or hoaxes of "non-neutral police" Polda Metro Jaya was originally supposed to confiscate the cellphone and Instagram account of Aiman Witjaksono to be used as evidence. "I suggest that he (Aiman) should take other legal remedies in the form of pretrial," said Lemkapi Executive Director Edi Hasibuan when confirmed, Wednesday, January 31. However, if you look at the confiscation process, Edi assessed that the steps taken by investigators from the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate of the Polda Metro Jaya were appropriate and in accordance with the rules. "Moreover, the confiscation permit from the South Jakarta District Court has been pocketed. "We see that the confiscation of cellphone evidence is in accordance with the procedure. Confiscation of evidence is the authority of investigators who handle this case considering that this cellphone evidence is related to the alleged violation of the law," he said. In addition, regarding the status of Aiman Witjaksono, who is still a witness, it is said that there is no reason for investigators not to carry out confiscation. This is because the process of confiscation of the evidence was carried out solely for handling in the investigation stage as well as investigation of the case of alleged spreading of the fake news. "The confiscation of evidence of HP Aiman was of evidence was of course allowed for objective and subjective investigators because there were concerns that evidence in Hp was deleted or lost," said Edi. Meanwhile, the confiscation of the cellphone was carried out after investigators examined Aiman Witjaksono for 12 hours on January 26.

At that time, Aiman was worried about the confiscation of his cellphone by investigators. Because, he was able to reveal the identity of the resource person or informant who stated that there were non-neutral persons in the 2024 election. "We were examined 12 hours, there was a break several times earlier and I had to tell you even though my cellphone finally had to be confiscated, but I am committed not to mention who my sources are, because I believe they are good people whose identities must be protected," he said.