Give Space For Young People, TKN Calls Prabowo And Jokowi Senior Figures To Be Exemplary

JAKARTA - Deputy TKN Commander Fanta Prabowo-Gibran, Rahayu Saraswati Djojohadikusumo said presidential candidate number 2 who is also the Minister of Defense, Prabowo Subianto and President Joko Widodo are two senior figures who should be imitated.

Both are considered to provide space for young Indonesians to take part in building the nation.

"Both of them are senior figures who open space for young people to take part in the national arena," said Rahayu Saraswati when receiving a declaration of support for the Gibran Youth Volunteers (Paten) at the Kertanegara House, Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta, Tuesday, January 30.

The woman who is familiarly called Sara appreciates the support of young people who are members of the Patent Volunteers for Prabowo-Gibran. Moreover, some of them have contributed abroad.

"Earlier I heard that the establishment of Patent was initiated by Indonesian students abroad. This shows that young Indonesians are very capable of representing Indonesia at the national and even international levels," said Sara.

Sara also appealed to volunteers to be more diligent in going to the community to socialize Prabowo-Gibran's work program. He also encouraged young people to come to polling stations on February 14 to vote for candidate pair pair number 2.

"If we support the election once in a round, please convey to young people to be present at the TPS on February 14, 2024. Many say that young people are apathy. Because many 02 voters are young people, we have to prove it by voting. When our votes are counted we have to come to the TPS," said Sara.

Meanwhile, the General Chair of Patent Volunteers, Hakam Yunus revealed a number of reasons for his party to support Prabowo Gibran. The support is summarized in Sapta Sila Paten.

"We support Prabowo-Gibran as a presidential and vice presidential candidate in the 2024 presidential election. We also support one round of elections and urge all elements of the nation to join Prabowo-Gibran for an advanced Indonesia," said Hakam in Kertanegara.

Hakam said that young people want the 2024 General Election to be conducive, safe, and orderly. His party condemns all forms of identity politics and black campaigns.

"We also urge the public not to get trapped in hoaxes and character assassinations of any candidate," he said.

Hakam thanked Prabowo for choosing Gibran Rakabuming Raka as a vice presidential candidate. That way, according to him, the former Kopassus Commander General has opened the gate for political regeneration and opened space for young leaders to take part in preparing for an advanced Indonesia.

"We also thank President Jokowi for his services during his tenure as president of the Republic of Indonesia. We hope that Gibran will be an example and a symbol of the struggle of young women towards Indonesia's gold 2045," he said.