Sanctions For KPPS Members Who Violate Election Rules: Criminal To Fines Of Tens Of Millions Of Rupiah
YOGYAKARTA The Voting Organizing Group (KPPS) is a group formed by the Voting Committee (PPS) to carry out voting at the polling stations (TPS). Every member of the KPPS must comply with the rules and code of ethics of organizing elections. If proven to violate, administrative and criminal sanctions will be imposed. So, sanctions for KPPS members who violate election rules? Let's see the full information below.
Sanctions for KPPS members who violate election rules are stipulated in Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning General Elections. These sanctions are contained in articles 489, 499, 501, 502, 503, 506 and 537.
The full explanation is as follows:
The following are examples of violations of members of the Election KPPS:
This is information about the sanctions for KPPS members who violate election rules. Get news updates on other options only on VOI.ID.