Thousands Of Workers In Subang Support Ganjar-Mahfud, TPN: Invite Family, Neighbors And All Friends

SUBANG - more than 3,000 workers in Subang have officially declared their support for pair number 3, Ganjar Pranowo - Mahfud MD. This declaration was made in the field of BERMAR Pasir. Bungur Subang.

Workers who attended came from various companies in Subang. They unite themselves and gather in the G - MK GO volunteer organization, Saturday, January 27.

Present at the event were the expert council of TPN Ganjar Mahfud, Roy Manik and the leader of the People's Servants' Joint House (RBPR), Tavip Ginting and his entourage. Roy Manik and Tavip Ginting received the aspirations of workers through a written declaration.

The presence of Roy Manik, Tavip Ginting and his entourage, was welcomed by the traditional on par with him. Tavip Ginting delivered an oration about the need to enforce the constitution.

Roy Manik also gave an oration containing 21 programs of Ganjar Mahfud. The entire program is very touching on the lives of workers, such as: 1 poor 1 undergraduate family, 1 village 1 health facility 1 health worker, Social Assistance right on target, magic ID cards for all types of social assistance.

"With Ganjar Mahfud's 21 flagship programs, the workers are very confident that their lives will be much better," said Roy Manik, Sunday, January 28.

Roy Manik also invited workers to continue to socialize the Ganjar-Mahfud pair to their families, neighbors and friends. Roy also reminded all workers to be present at the TPS on February 14 to win Ganjar-Mahfud.

"This is the most important thing because February 14 is a holiday, so many may be lazy to come to polling stations," said Roy.

Roy Manik also invites workers not to be tempted by money politics. The money they receive will not be comparable and can automatically change the fate of workers for the better for the next 5 years.