IDX Calls 27 IPO Queue Companies

JAKARTA - PT Bursa Efek Indonesia (IDX) noted that 27 companies were in the pipeline for the initial listing of shares or Initial Public Offering (IPO). As is known, currently the number of issuers on the IDX has reached 911 companies.

"As of January 26, 2024, 8 companies have listed shares on the IDX (during 2024) with funds raised reaching Rp1.36 trillion," said IDX Director of Corporate Assessment I Gede Nyoman Yetna quoting Antara.

Of the 27 companies in the IPO queue, Nyoman detailed as many as 19 medium-scale rice companies between Rp50 billion to Rp250 billion, six large-scale rice companies above Rp250 billion, and two small-scale rice fields below Rp50 billion.

Based on the sector, he explained seven industrial sector companies, six primary consumer goods sector companies, five technology sector companies, and three non-primary consumer goods sector companies.

Then, two companies in the raw goods sector, one energy sector company, one transportation & logistics sector company, one infrastructure sector company, and one property sector company.

Nyoman revealed that 8 emissions had been issued from 7 issuers of Debt and Sukuk (EBUS) Securities with funds raised reaching Rp6.4 trillion until January 26, 2024.

"As of January 26, 2024, there are 15 emissions from 10 EBUS publishers who are in the queue," said Nyoman.

Ten EBUS issuers in the queue include three energy sector companies, three financial sector companies, one standard goods sector company.

Then, one health sector company, one industrial sector company, and one infrastructure sector company.

Nyoman continued, as of January 26, 2024, there were four listed companies that had issued a right issue with a total value of IDR 3.08 trillion.

"There are still 24 companies listed in the IDX rights issue queue," said Nyoman.

IDX is optimistic that the number of listed companies can reach 1,000 issuers this year, where currently it has reached 911 issuers, with 27 companies in the IPO queue.

This means that the Indonesian capital market needs as many as 62 more companies to submit documents in order to hold the initial listing of shares on the IDX.