Tiara Andini's Second Album Leaks, Music More Dynamically

JAKARTA - When holding a press conference and meet and greet, Tiara Andini gave a leak to media crews and fans regarding their second album project.

Different from the first album titled Tiara Andini (2021), the second album will offer more dynamic genres and musical styles.

"I already have quite a lot of pop ballad songs, so my friends seem to have heard enough of the first album," said Tiara Andini at fX Sudirman, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, January 24.

"Then, for the second album, I want my friends to accept me as Tiara as I am. And here I also want to explore it," he continued.

The differences in the genre and style of music have been seen in the last two singles he released, Flip It Up and Ngeluwihi. He collaborated with South Korean music producer and songwriter Hyuk Shin.

Not without reason when Tiara Andini believed to keep working with Hyuk Shin. He acknowledged there was a match, including for his next works.

"Because I've met you several times, I've talked a lot, chemistry has been obtained, and it's good to share about music and the next work," said Tiara.

However, Tiara Andini does not want to talk about plans for further releases, including projects for the second album.